Nowadays, it’s more important than ever to totally own who you are. In a world that’s increasingly digital, your personal brand is what tells people who you are, what you do, and what makes you worth caring about. Here’s a step-by-step checklist to create your personal brand and help people discover the real you.

Choose Your Name

As you’re building your personal brand from the ground up, decide how you’d like to be known. Will you go by your first name? Your full name? Your childhood nickname? Something that’s more descriptive of what you do, like The Baking Babe? Start there, then make sure your social media platforms and website domains all sync up.

Think of Your Values

What’s most important to you? What beliefs or characteristics make up who you are? Are you family-oriented, independent, quirky, sharp, trustworthy, or a mix of all of those things? Think about what you stand for and write it down.

Establish Your Skills and Passions

What do you have to offer? What are you the most excited about? What sort of expertise or experience do you have that might make someone hire you over someone else? Consider the professional value you offer to potential customers.

Dream Up Your Vision

Think big. What do you want to accomplish through your business and personal brand? What does success look like to you? What are your main goals? Knowing where you’re going is crucial in order to know what steps to take.

Know Your Audience

Who is your ideal client? What sort of content do they want to see? What are they lacking in their lives? Get to know your target audience, speak to their desires, and give them the things they’re looking for.

Create Your Website

Through color, design, and great storytelling, create a personal website that helps your ideal clients get to know you both personally and professionally.

Craft Your Logo

Get an expert to help you craft a simple yet recognizable logo that captures who you are and what you do through design.

Get Professional Photos Taken

Professional photos of you can add a personal touch to your brand. Hire a personal branding/lifestyle photographer to help visually tell your story and better connect with your audience.

Building a great personal brand takes time, effort, and a lot of thought. As you follow these crucial steps, you’ll be able to build an enduring personal brand you’re truly proud of. 

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